Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Shots and all!

Well first off I cannot believe that Lake is already 3months old (I look like I JUST had him haha)! HE had his 3 month shots last Friday and he did very well. I think it is always harder for me to watch. Harper had her check up and 18month shot, even though she is 19months, on Monday. Poor thing, she already has a small cold. :-(

We are all doing great! Drew and I have been married for 1 year on September the 14th! I am so excited...I can't beleive that it has already been a year!

Lake is in the cooing and ahhing stage, trying to talk to us! He has found his hands and smiles all the time. He is sleeping well also...we just got lucky! hahaha!

Harper is nostop! I love it! It is so wonderful because everyday she is saying or doing someting new. She has all of her animals and body parts down!

Much Love!

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