Friday, January 23, 2009

Family Time!

Today is Harper's 2nd birthday! Where has the time gone? I can clearly remember being in the delivery room and meeting this perfect little angel! The time has flew by and I have missed so much because I have been working fulltime. I have been home the pass few days and still debate if I could be a stay at home mom because daycare I feel is very important for children...regardless, I will not get into all of my thought cause you should know that I am very good at rambling on. haha! I have decided that we are going to try our hardest to spend more time with our families. My family is spread out. I have my Aunt (my dads sister), my younger brother and sister and my mom in town. The rest of my fam is around New Orleans, the beach and Texas. Drews family is around Birmingham and Jasper. But I want to start trying to hang out more...not just holidays and special occassions because family is super important! Also Drew and I are starting to go to church on Sunday...I am super excited! So all my fam reading this lets make a date for a reunion over the family use to do this at Logan Martin Lake when I was younger and it was a blast!

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