Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1 Year Anniversary

Well our one year was on Sunday! I can not believe that we have been married for a year. We were unable to get a babysitter so we just sat at the house. Hopefully we will go somewhere next year. NEW PICS!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Soulshine Design

Hey everyone! I have started making seam-free pillow case dresses and tag blankets! I really enjoy doing this and I have already had some orders! YEAH!


Thursday, September 4, 2008


So our first game was a great game! I hope we can keep it up!

We have been trying to teach Harper..."What does the elephant say? ROLL TIDE!" We have been teaching this since birth. Well finally last night we were going through the animal sounds and out came "ROLL TIDE!" clear as day! I was sooooo tickled! We also try to get her to say "GO BAMA!" She will say "BAMA!".


Ashley, Drew, Harper and Lake

Baby Caylee Anthony

I am sure everyone has somewhat kept up with whats going on with this, you cannot help but to hear about this. Every morning when I get to work one of my co-workers gives me an update of what is going on with the case. Today apparently there is DNA evidence that Baby Caylee's dad was someone in her family, perhaps her uncle who is 25, her mom is 22, they are brother and sister. It gets more twisted.
I just pray that this little girl is alive, which investigator's do believe that she is dead. Just thinking about it makes me sick and want to cry. I do not understand how some people are so horrible. If her mother killed her I hope she gets the justice she deserves, death sentence perhaps? I can tell you this...if I ever saw Casey, the mother, I would not be able to contain myself.
Now I am not saying she is guilty but all fingers point to her and its sick!
Just had to vent! Have a good day and pray for this baby girl.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Crazy Day

Hola! So today started as a normal day...gat Lake and Harp ready for school and BB's, dropped them off and went to work. Great morning at work, it was my bosses bday and we had a small party and filled her office up, smack full, with balloons and I leased up some apartments because I just rock at my job...I also hear I am up for a good bonus soon (YEAH!). Well this afternoon a tenant came in and had the nerve to ask my "When is the baby due?"...granted I am sure he just wanted to start small talk because I have been preggers for 18 out of 24 months just about but it upset me. I was quick to put him in his place and let him know how RUDE that was! Guys, tip for you...NEVER say anything to a woman about pregnancy unless you know FORSURE they are still pregnant. And chicks NEVER say something to a guy if he is loosing his hair, this is what my baby doctor told me when I had to go for a check up from having my tubes tied today. Anyhoo, he really hurt my feeling. I have been trying to lose my remaining baby weight but I have found it to be hard after your 2nd baby, but I am working out 5 times a week on my lunch break (we have a gym and tanning at my office) and eating pretty healty (I am a total veggie freak!) but nothing seems to work?????? GRRRRR! Before pregnancy I was inbetween 115-120 and thought I was fat, now I am at 152 and ofcoarse I will keep everyone uodated with my results...Im shooting for 125! Wish my luck, or the perfect diet pill hahah! Much LOVE! - momma Rowland