Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Crazy Day

Hola! So today started as a normal day...gat Lake and Harp ready for school and BB's, dropped them off and went to work. Great morning at work, it was my bosses bday and we had a small party and filled her office up, smack full, with balloons and I leased up some apartments because I just rock at my job...I also hear I am up for a good bonus soon (YEAH!). Well this afternoon a tenant came in and had the nerve to ask my "When is the baby due?"...granted I am sure he just wanted to start small talk because I have been preggers for 18 out of 24 months just about but it upset me. I was quick to put him in his place and let him know how RUDE that was! Guys, tip for you...NEVER say anything to a woman about pregnancy unless you know FORSURE they are still pregnant. And chicks NEVER say something to a guy if he is loosing his hair, this is what my baby doctor told me when I had to go for a check up from having my tubes tied today. Anyhoo, he really hurt my feeling. I have been trying to lose my remaining baby weight but I have found it to be hard after your 2nd baby, but I am working out 5 times a week on my lunch break (we have a gym and tanning at my office) and eating pretty healty (I am a total veggie freak!) but nothing seems to work?????? GRRRRR! Before pregnancy I was inbetween 115-120 and thought I was fat, now I am at 152 and ofcoarse I will keep everyone uodated with my results...Im shooting for 125! Wish my luck, or the perfect diet pill hahah! Much LOVE! - momma Rowland

1 comment:

April said...

Ughhh..people are so rude! Lake is just a few months old...you'll loose it..I promise!