Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lake rolled!

So this morning I'm getting the kiddos ready for the day; Lake to BB's, Harper to "school" and me to work. I laid Lake on his back on the changing table and went to his closet to grab a onsie for my suprise when I popped back out he had flipped to his side! YEAH LAKE! My big boy!
He now weighs 12lbs, 12 weeks old. Harper is 22lbs and 19months old. I think Lake is going to be a "big boy", maybe not as big as AK! :-)
We miss eveyone very much and hope to see you soon!

ROLL TIDE!!!! Only 2more days!

1 comment:

Mandoki Realty said...

wow! he's already rolling over! What a smartie! I love the updates! Keep 'em coming!